March is Colorectal cancer awareness month

Very important message from the Chicago Surgical Clinic 

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This month is dedicated to education and awareness surrounding this condition, along with potentially life-saving preventative measures.

What you need to know about colon cancer

  • Colon cancer is in the top three leading causes of cancer related death in the US
  • ~90% of cases are in people 50 and older, but both men and women of all ages can be affected
  • One of the most preventable types of cancer
  • 1 in 3 people are NOT getting the recommended screenings
  • This cancer oftentimes begins without any symptoms. But it can be prevented before it starts with proper screenings
  • With early detection, colorectal cancer has a survival rate of over 80%!!

We would like to share this information with you to ensure that your readers, viewers or listeners can learn about the importance of early screening for colorectal cancer and what they can do to minimize their chances of getting this disease or, if they do get it, greatly increase their survival likelihood.

As experts in the screening, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer, we often see firsthand the needless suffering of patients who have waited too long to discover they have this disease … and the benefits to patients who have been screened early and treated for it. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about these experiences, and share our years of professional expertise on the current medical thinking on the best ways to screen for, prevent and treat colorectal cancer.

Because there are often no symptoms when it is first developing, colorectal cancer can only be caught early through regular screening. The benefits of early detection and treatment are dramatic. The possibility of curing patients after symptoms develop is only 50%, but if colorectal cancer is found and treated at an early stage before symptoms develop, the opportunity to cure it is 80% or better.  Most colon cancers start as non-cancerous growths called polyps. If we are able to find these polyps while they are still non-cancerous, we remove them and the cancer may be prevented. Major surgery can usually be avoided.

We at Chicago Surgical Clinic & Associated Surgical Center are experts in the surgical and nonsurgical treatment of colon and rectal problems and play an instrumental role in the effective screening, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer. Studies have shown that patients treated by colorectal surgeons are more likely to survive colorectal cancer because of their advanced training and the large number of colon and rectal disease surgeries they perform.

At Chicago Surgical Clinic & our Associated Surgical Center we provide a safe, comfortable environment for our patients. We will work with them to educate, evaluate, and plan for their healthiest and most fulfilling lives.

We partner with most insurance carriers, who often completely cover screening colonoscopies for patients over the age of 50.

Alternatively, we are dedicated to working with each patient to determine the most reasonable, cost-effective solutions through payment plans and financing options.

Prevention and early detection could be the cure.
847-215-0530 ph.

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