Эдуард Тополь | Судьям международного суда ООН –  на русском языке

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Judges of the International Court of Justice,

Although I am neither a statesman, nor a lawyer, nor a jurist, I nevertheless declare:

1. In view of your decision, which effectively prohibits Israel from completing the destruction of Hamas, neither I nor my pen – with all due respect to the rules of etiquette – can call you distinguished and bestow upon you the title of “Your Honor”. On the contrary, with this decision you have deprived yourselves of the honor and the right not only to be respectable, but to be judges in general.

2. I make this disqualification not on the formal grounds of your professional achievements in the field of jurisprudence and judicial practice, but on purely moral grounds.

3. These grounds are as follows. The history of mankind is full of wars, international and inter-ethnic conflicts. Name me a nation that has not been at war with its neighbors. The inhuman torture and extermination inflicted on the Chinese by the Japanese in the last century is well known. Japan’s barbaric and totally gratuitous bombing of the Americans at Pearl Harbor led to the equally ruthless atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans, but there was no anti-Japanism in the US and no anti-Americanism in Japan. The Spanish are famous for their Inquisition, Jewish pogroms and the extermination of Indian tribes in the Americas. But there is no anti-Hispanics in the US, Europe and Israel. The Turks organized the genocide of the Armenians, but there is no anti-Turkism in the world. British, Roman, Ottoman and Russian empires violently conquered, oppressed and destroyed their neighbors near and far, but there is no anti-British, anti-Italian or anti-Turkism in the world. Germany started two world wars in which tens of millions of people died, but there was no anti-Germanism in the world.

4. Only the Jews, who have never conquered, tortured, slaughtered, or burned anyone alive or dead – only Jews have been murdered, robbed and raped for centuries. SO WHERE IS YOUR JUDGEMENT ON THE WORLD’S ANTI-SEMITISM?

5. On 7 October 2023, vile bastards and sub-humans attacked Israel from Gaza, burning our children alive, raping our women, and dragging the living, wounded, and murdered into their underground rat holes – WHERE WAS YOUR INTERNATIONAL JUDGE OF JUSTICE ON THIS DICTATORY DISTRIBUTION OF HUMANITY?

6. After October 7, the bestial tsunami of anti-Semitism swept the world again with hatred, thirst for Jewish blood, and open calls to wipe out a nation, that world of one God, the biblical morality of the Ten Commandments, and the countless geniuses who led the world out of cave barbarism – WHERE IS YOUR JUDGE ON WORLD ANTISEMITISM AND CALLS FOR A NEW HOLOCAST?

7. I, Eduard Topol, 85 year old earthling and creationist Jew, in the name of my people and in the name of the history of world humanization, remove you as judge and each of you by name – Nawaf Salam (Lebanon), Peter Tomka (Slovakia), Ronnie Abraham (France), Abdukami Yusuf (Somalia), Xue Hanqin (China), Dalveer Bhandari (India), Georg Nolte (Germany), Hilary Chalsworth (Australia), Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil), Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo Verduzco (Mexico), Sarah Cleveland (USA), Bogdan Aurescu (Romania),  Dire Tladi  (South Africa), Philippe Gauthier (Belgium) – I am contributing to the WALL of SHAME that will sooner or later be erected in Jerusalem for anti-Semites forever and ever.

P.S. You may easily dismiss this judgement, but remember: it is not your judgement, but God’s providence that Israel is eternal. One day your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will come to Israel, visit Jerusalem and read your names on this Wall of Shame. May that record be indelible.


Эдуард Тополь
Автор статьи Эдуард Тополь Писатель и публицист

Эдуард Тополь – писатель, сценарист, продюсер, кинодраматург, публицист. Его романы переведены на множество иностранных языков.

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