Eduard Topol | HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BIBI! יום הולדת שמח, ביבי!

Back in 2001, in ‘Sovershenno Sekretno’, the most popular Russian newspaper of the time, I quoted Benjamin Netanyahu’s book ‘Fighting Terrorism’, in which he proposed the creation of an international counter-terrorism centre, similar to Interpol, which would have its own database of terrorist organizations around the world and its own force to respond immediately, on behalf of the world community, to any major terrorist attack. Surely, he was right! If such an organisation existed, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and all the other enemies of our civilization would think twice about going to war against the entire Western world at once.

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Since then, both in the Russian and American press, I have repeatedly admired Bibi, and in 2021 I published an article “Binyamin Netanyahu four times a Hero of world Jewry” (Eduard Topol Binyamin Netanyahu Kontinent Internet Newspaper (, in which I wrote:

“How lucky I am: I lived in the United States under the great Ronald Reagan and was able to rise with the whole country from poverty to become a world bestselling author, and I live in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu, whom I admired during his duels with Obama, and only thanks to whom I stayed alive during the current world pandemic. Yes, no matter what anyone tells me, I’m used to judging a man not by what he hasn’t done, but by what he has done. And I know that he is the one who gave me and all the other Israelis – both the Sabras and us ‘newcomers’ the best inoculation against Covid19. True, our Defence Minister, Mr Gantz, said that everyone would have done the same. But here’s the rub: there are 197 recognized countries in the world, and every one of their presidents, prime ministers, shahs and kings would like to give their people the best vaccine and earn a reputation as the savior of the nation. And, as you can imagine, some of them have a lot of money. And guess what? None of these “everybody” got 12,000,000,000 doses of the best vaccine, but Bibi did. How did he do it?

“I’ll tell you the secret: he’s not everybody!

“Yes, not every leader of a tiny state is capable of fighting the leader of the most powerful superpower called the United States in front of the whole world, and more than that of single-handedly maintaining a deaf defence of his country against him for eight years. For this, I nominate Benjamin Netanyahu for the title of ‘Hero of World Jewry’.

“Not everyone can take out of the most closed and anti-Jewish country its entire secret nuclear archive weighing 500 kg, including 50,000 pages of secret documents and 163 compact discs with secret files, videos and plans. And then present it to the world from the podium of the UN. As a writer of political thrillers and films, I’m sure even Hollywood couldn’t have come up with such an operation. For this action, unique in world intelligence, I nominate Benjamin Netanyahu for the title of ‘Twice Hero of World Jewry’.

“And one more thing: no, not just anyone can break the unbreakable, centuries-old, brotherly anti-Israeli alliance of Arab countries and make several of these countries our business partners at the same time. This has never happened in the history of the world. I don’t know if they will give him the Nobel Prize for this, but I nominate Benjamin Netanyahu for the title of ‘Threefold Hero of World Jewry’…

Even now I am ready to sign these lines. That is why today, in the name of Jewish repatriation and Russian emigration, I find it possible to congratulate the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, on his 75th birthday. Yes, even the great ones sometimes make mistakes, especially when they trust some of their ministers, as in the case of defence. That’s how we ended up on 7 October 2023. But today we see that Bibi is literally pulling us out of this mess with a titanic effort, and there is virtually no one in Israel, not in the world politics who can match him in carrying out this historic mission.

We wish him good health, unyielding patience, fatherly wisdom, normal blood pressure and heart rate until the age of 120, and unconditional victories in his battles for Israel! Am Israel hai! יום הולדת שמח, ביבי!

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