Elim Chan leads Rimsky-Korsakov’s sumptuous symphonic suite Sheherazade, inspired by the legendary heroine and tales of One Thousand and One Nights. Paul Jacobs, “a virtuoso of dazzling technical acumen” (The New York Times), performs Barber’s Toccata festiva, an exuberant showcase for organ containing echoes of J.S. Bach.
Читать полностьюЗнаменитый продюсер попал в больницу после того, как приговор по делу об изнасиловании был отменен.
Читать полностьюВ Париже правоохранители поместили 75-летнего актера Жерара Депардье под стражу в связи с двумя обвинениями в сексуальных домогательствах, передает агентство France-Presse.
Читать полностьюValery Meladze is known for his spectacular light shows, visual effects, and bright beams of light, all to create a magical spectacle that will transport you into a world of music and emotion. Every note of his greatest and favorite hits will ignite the audience with an impulse to sing and dance. Meladze will be accompanied by talented musicians who will create a symphony of sound along with visual effects that promise to make this concert unforgettable! To experience for yourself get your tickets HERE
Читать полностьюEkman's A Midsummer Night's Dream is far from being a Shakespearean tale, but a dizzying journey into a surreal world of unearthly pleasures. The story takes place during the traditional Scandinavian summer solstice festival. Dancers celebrate a day of fun and romance under the maypole, which soon turns into an otherworldly dream. Ekman's picturesque combination of classical and modern ballet blurs the line between the real and the imaginary and makes you wonder: is it all a dream?
Читать полностьюЗвезда Марвел уверен, что Сильвестр Сталлоне не оскорблял никого на съемках "Короля Талсы"
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