Дорогие друзья, цель Клуба – помочь друг другу открыть для себя Америку. Все мы newcomers и далеко не всё, что кажется вам очевидным, таковым и является.
Читать полностьюThis question is not rhetorical even though it seems to be. Let’s look at it more closely in order to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. First of all, paying off your mortgage (M), as well as any other debt, will not increase the amount of money in your wallet. So, is it really worthwhile doing something that is not going to add up to your wealth?
Читать полностьюLife doesn’t offer us time for rehearsals – every day is a premiere. There is no way for us to play it back and get another chance. So it is today that we should make the best of our lives. And we have the right tool for that - family budget, our old friend in financial matters.
Читать полностьюThe family funancial support
Читать полностьюThere is a saying that misfortunes never come singly
Читать полностьюAll too often, we rely on our emotions to guide our decisions, even when we know emotions do not make a very good advisor.
Читать полностьюPeople like to discuss things they don’t have enough knowledge of. Credit history is one of the subjects that gave rise to numerous misconceptions and false impressions. Let’s shed a light on this often misunderstood subject.
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