Arts4Kids Foundation along with a group of about 50 excited children and their parents have traveled to Rosemont Theater, located in Rosemont, IL., to see children’s beloved classic Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, on December 19, 2015. The young attendees enjoyed the holiday tradition and were amazed to see the original television classic come to life. The musical included Santa and Mrs. Claus and all other favorite characters. The children were taught the story’s moral that while we are all different, our differences make each of us special.
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While waiting for the show to commence, our diverse group marveled at festively-decorated lobby and took photos, met one another, as well as beamed with cheer and anticipation.
The Art4Kids Foundation would like to extend its appreciation to the show producers for their partnership and valuable support. For many children in attendance it was a holiday gift that they will remember for a long time.
The event was co-sponsored by the Arts4Kids Foundation and the participating organization above.
Leonard Mogul
Photos by Arts4Kids
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