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“The Israeli government, still headed for the moment by Benjamin Netanyahu, thinks it can push President Biden around — and it might be right,” says @ryanlcooper. https://t.co/bE0LmNGJCJ
— The Week (@TheWeek) April 15, 2021
Heck of a headline update by The New York Times.
Of course there is no explanation. pic.twitter.com/eSF5YP9haL
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 25, 2021
Hamas is a jihadi organization like ISIS , Al-Qaeda, Bolo Haram etc. pic.twitter.com/BSYDvsM5Bg
— 🧢מאק (@beingrealmac) May 26, 2021
Это копия записи https://arbat.dreamwidth.org/1089239.html. Комментируйте, пожалуйста, там.
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