7th Annual Jerry Meyer Golf Classic to be held July 15

On Friday, July 15, 2016, Community Services Foundation will host the 7th Annual Jerry Meyer Golf Classic to raise money for children and adults with diverse disabilities.

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The Golf Classic will take place at Cog Hill Golf and Country Club in Lemont, one of America’s Top 100 courses, famous for hosting several PGA and LPGA Tournaments on their Dubsdread Course. Participants in the Classic will have the option to golf on Dubsdread for $375/person or on Cog Hill’s Course No. 2 for $200/person.

Registration begins at 8:00 AM with a 9:00 AM shotgun start for all golfers. Along with a tote filled with gift certificates, snacks, coupons, and more, your registration includes your cart and the chance to win a car. The event will also feature a luncheon, open bar, and over 20 raffle prizes and 30 silent auction items. Not a golfer? You can still help to support this cause by attending the luncheon for $50/person, where you’ll enjoy food, drinks, and the opportunity to participate in the raffle and silent auction.

At Community Services Foundation, it is our mission to develop and create opportunities for individuals with disabilities that support and inspire independence. Jerry Meyer believed wholeheartedly in our mission, helping us to secure the funding needed to open our doors in 1989 and remaining a dedicated supporter until his passing in 2012. Community Services Foundation hopes that you will consider carrying on Jerry’s legacy and helping us to achieve our mission by joining us for this year’s Golf Classic.

All proceeds of the Golf Classic will benefit CTF Illinois, a member agency of Community Services Foundation that provides services and programming to individuals with disabilities. For more information on registering, purchasing tickets for the luncheon, or sponsoring the event, please contact Robin Curtner, Director of Development, at (708)429-1260 x1263 or rcurtner@csfil.org. You can also visit the event website at www.jerrymeyergolfclassic.myevent.com.

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