International “I Am Thankful For…” Art Exhibit Coming to Gaylord Texan this Holiday Season!

The fourth annual juried international art exhibition “I Am Thankful For…” presented by the Eurasian Association of DFW, is being hosted by the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center, Grapevine, from November 11th, 2015 through January 3rd, 2016 (Award Ceremony: November 11th, 5-6:30pm), 2015.

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This international art exhibit is a wonderful opportunity for children, young adults, and families from all cultures to teach and express their thankfulness. Art works will be grouped in different age categories—Under 5 years, 5-7 years, 8-10 years, 11-14 years, and 15-18 years. Entries will be accepted at the Grapevine Visitors Information Center and Museums between October 4th and October 11th. “We all have a reason to be thankful.” says EADFW Treasurer Steve Mangum. “Have you noticed when you are thankful for what you have, you are not suffering over what you don’t have? The intention of the program is to encourage people to stop and be thankful.”

A number of works will be entered from a special workshop held on September 27th in the partnership with the Visual Arts Guild of Frisco, which offered a unique opportunity for children to take the “I Am Thankful For…” art class. Under the supervision of professional artists, children of all ages will discuss the topic of gratitude and portrayed their vision of thankfulness on canvas.

Eurasian Association of DFW (EADFW) is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to promote and build appreciation of the Slavic, Eastern European, and Central Asian cultures in the DFW area through cultural events and education. The Eurasian Association of DFW preserves the good and bridges the gap between the Eurasian cultures and the multicultural community of DFW.

Major sponsors of the International Art exhibit are Gaylord Texan, Mangum and Associates – Business Consulting, and Grapevine Visitors Center.

To enter and learn more about the project, go to, or email

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