Lesson 1: Transformations

“We are of the same blood, you and I”
Rudyard Kipling, Mowgli

America is often referred to as the land of opportunities. It is true, but there is more to it.

America is also the country of trans­formations. Once the newcomers from all over the world, be they Chinese, Mexican, or Jewish, step on the Amer­ican soil, they automatically become immigrants. The next step – becoming American – is a much longer process. How much time this final transformation will take depends on the level of success each of us achieves.

In my column, I intend to offer you guidance in becoming successful in this country in the shortest possible time. And of course, your success in assimila­tion will reflect on the future of your chil­dren and secure old age of your parents.

Twenty-five years ago, after being denied the right to emigrate for seven years, my

family of three – my wife, my 10-year-old son, and myself landed at the O’Hara International airport with three suitcases and $500 in the pocket. What followed was a long path of trial and error so common to all immigrants. However, only a short time upon arrival, I started doing what I used to do back at home before emigrating to US: helping people to cre­ate and maintain their family budgets. I have been in this business since – you won’t believe it! – 1977. Today, I am

proud to say that I have an extensive experience in creating and optimizing family budget, as well as thousands of satisfied clients.

We will talk about family budget in greater detail, but prior to that, I want to remind you that everything starts with setting a goal. All US immigrants, without any exceptions, have experienced so called ‘cultural shock’. It’s not about the abundance of goods and services

offered to us in this country; it’s about the necessity to constantly make choic­es. To be able to make the right choices is the key to success. And that’s where my business comes in handy: I help you to make those right choices.

Every choice depends on the set goal. Together they bring the desired result. So setting a goal is the first import­ant thing you have to do. Creating a family budget should be such a goal for every family of newcomers. I am sure that many of you reading these lines will wonder what exactly I am talking about. You have always lived your lives without even knowing what a family budget was. And some of you have even managed to achieve certain success. So why change anything?

The answer is simple: your well-being was based solely on good luck which is, as we all know, quite a precari­ous thing. Secondly, with an optimal budget, you could have had many more opportunities for achieving success and prosperity.

In the future publications, we will talk about how family budget can make the lives of all your family members much more stable, secure, and successful.

joseph RozenbergPlease call me for more information: 847-520-7030.
email: mockbajr@gmail.com
site: www.drfgroup.net

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